With so many scenic highways, national parks, and beautiful mountain views, it would be a shame not to hit the road and explore during my time here in Arizona. One of my first trips was from Cottonwood to Prescott (a historical mining town). I made my way through the narrow, steep roads of the ghost town of Jerome and was ready to set the cruise on Highway 89 when I realized this wasn't going to be another boring drive. Prescott is only 40 miles from Jerome, but it took me 75 minutes to get there. The speed limit is 30 mph, but most people don't go over 25 because of the tight curves, one after another, leading you up and down and around the mountains.

I used a map another time to take a shortcut. Ten miles down the road it turned to dirt and rocks (BIG rocks)! I found out that the road is only recommended for 4 wheel drive off road vehicles. I've since learned that asking locals is always a good idea!
Some of the trips I've taken have been more fun than the destination, and the views! Wow!