
Hooray for productivity!

So, it's VEISHEA week here at school. A huge week-long celebration of the great institution we growing minds attend here in central Iowa. There are things going on all week, unfortunately, my teachers are unaware of this and scheduled a quiz, a paper, and 2 tests...all due Friday.

I made my way to the library Monday night and made a pretty good dent in one test and returned today to spend my entire afternoon on the second. I was feeling sorry for myself and expected to be working all alone in the library while everyone else went to barbeques, parties, or played frisbee on central campus.

Much to my surprise, the library was busier than usual! I guess everyone's teachers are oblivious.

I'm sure none of us want to be here studying, when it's such a beautiful day out, but it just shows that most students my age do have their priorities in order. We're putting in our time today so we can relax over the weekend and take part in the fun stuff. Procrastination is usually the way of the college student, but planning ahead even a little will make Thursday and Friday a lot less stressful.

Make it work!

photo courtesy: www.bohcooper.com/images/Studying-Boh.jpg