
The Millennial Generation

I was asked this afternoon by a friend of mine, to discover what was being said about our generation, the Millennials. Some of what I found was rather despairing, some rather hopeful. For instance, I found out from the PEW study, that 83% of people in this generation (that participated in the study) slept with their cell phones! If that doesn't strike you as a negative attribute, then think about this; our generation is admittedly more tech-savvy than others, and the tendency is growing. People in our generation are very dependent on technology for everything. (Just in passing, have you ever noticed how hard it can be to not have a cell phone or a computer? It makes you feel out of touch with the world.) Children younger and younger are learning how to operate cell phones, computers, and other tech tools. If the technology keeps increasing and improving, sooner or later it may hit a peak and then drop. What will happen to our generation when/if that happens?

On a positive note, our generation is also well on its way to being the most educated generation yet. In our technological world, increasing knowledge and skill is necessary to run the technology and keep ahead of the ever-changing present. We have to constantly keep one-upping ourselves with newer and better things. So education is extremely important. The study also says that our generation is the most accepting when compared to other generations. Apparently, we are more willing to accept non-traditional couples raising children, mothers working outside the home when they have young children, and other family dynamics.

So what do you say fellow Millennials? Does it sound like us? Check out the research and find out! pewresearch.org/millennials/

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