For the amount you're going to spend on college you could buy a car, put a down payment on a house, and still have enough to buy furniture. But, instead, you decided or are at least considering college. Why?
Your parents would tell you it's to get an education; the 'be all you can be' approach. Your teachers would tell you it's to get a better job; after all, college educated people earn an average of a million more dollars over their lifetimes. Your friends would tell you it's for the experience; tailgating, dating, meeting new people, and living your life. But, why would anyone really spend that much money?
Because being better is priceless. You can't measure the amount of information you'll gain from paying bills to showing up to class. There is no dollar equivalent to understanding yourself better than you thought possible. No one can assign a value to meeting the person you want to spend the rest of your life with in the library at 3 am. And there is no amount of money you can attribute to never having to say "would you like fries with that" ever again. Add all that together, and the value of further education seems worth the cost.
The CopperHare