

We had just begun our lives without the watchful gaze of our parents and caregivers. We burst onto the college scene and made the most of the opportunities for mischief. Staying up late at night, sleeping in late, and doing what we wanted to do. No one at home was getting notifications about our grades and they couldn't check to see if we were working hard at school.

For many of us this became a problem. We hadn't yet matured enough to take responsibility for ourselves. Our grades slipped, however, no one was there to tell us that wasn't okay. Many discovered alcohol and the distractions continued to pile up. The freedoms we had just been given were abused.

Grades came, we started to pump our brakes and look back on the previous semester. Maybe we should have concentrated on school more. Maybe we shouldn't have kept our foot pressed to the floor on the gas pedal. We started to realize that maybe freedom comes with responsibility. We started to grow up and have begun to take the wheel of life.

The LumberJack