Friends sitting around, playing the banjo, frying potatoes, and watching TV may not sound like the typical Friday night, but I'm okay with that. Drinking is not an activity of my Friday nights. There just seems to be so many more interesting activities to do out in that big old world of ours.
Recently, I have been learning to play the banjo. Not the most typical of instruments, but that's what intrigued me. Who ever knew that you could move your fingers in such a weird pattern to produce actual music.
The world is out there waiting for you to discover peculiar little things that you just might enjoy.
Recently, I have been learning to play the banjo. Not the most typical of instruments, but that's what intrigued me. Who ever knew that you could move your fingers in such a weird pattern to produce actual music.
The world is out there waiting for you to discover peculiar little things that you just might enjoy.
Photo courtesy: http://www.musicshops.uk.com/banjos.html