
Excuse me...could I borrow some toilet paper???

Exciting news! I went to class last week (that's not the exciting part) and actually learned something interesting! We were talking about body physiology and the nervous system and the prof told us about the effects of alcohol on body systems. (Not the same old stuff.)
  • When your blood pressure goes up, for example, when you're being chased by a bear, your brain jump starts producing ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) which works to keep you hydrated (so you can run from the bear for a longer period of time).

  • Alcohol also makes your blood pressure go up but the hypothalamus is inhibited from releasing ADH so your body continues to create urine instead of conserving it.
Also, ethanol causes your blood vessels to dilate, making your kidneys think you're dehydrated (even though you've been drinking lots of fluid), and they clamp down to reabsorb all the possible sodium they can. So, your body thinks you're overhydrated so it tries to get rid of water, which in turn makes you dehydrated (that's where the headache comes from).

In the end, if you drink large amounts of alcohol you'll be peeing a lot of dilute urine every 15-30 minutes.